Protocol Revenue

Fee Collection:

The platform generates revenue through fees charged for its usage. These fees take various forms, including:

  • Trading fee for perpetual: 0.04% of position volume (close)

  • Funding fee: The funding rate is based on the size of positions.The collection interval is one block

  • LP burning fee: The base burning fee is equal to 0.2%

  • Liquidation fee: The fee is calculated dynamically based on the position aesset


Trading fee=margin*lever*0.04%

Funding fee

  • Closed long position = long_margin * lever * funding rate

  • Closed short position = short_margin * lever * funding rate

  • Funding rate=rebaselong + rebaseINC-openrebase

LP burning fee= LP Tokens value(pool assets)*0.2%

Liquidation fee=Margin+margin call-PnL-trading fee-ExecutorFee(Charge greater than 0)

Fee Distribution:

Revenue is distributed from fees collected on the platform. These fees are routed as follows:

Last updated