
2022 Q2

  • Protocol-Owned Liquidity (POL) model Development

  • Introducing Chainlink as the Core Oracle

  • Fully Audit by Certik

  • Beta Version 1.0 on Public

2022 Q3

  • Introducing Executor Contracts to Improve Liquidation Efficiency of Positions and Real-Time Performance

  • Optimization of Rebase Funding Rate Mechanism

  • Optimization of Slippage Mechanism

  • Limit Order V1.1

2022 Q4

  • Universal Native Pool Development

  • Liquidity Open with Earnings for LPs

  • Introducing Price keeper vs. Chainlink Price Validity to Improve Oracle Accuracy

  • Optimization of Protocol Contract Architecture to Reduce Gas by 10%

2023 Q1

  • Testing of Liquidity Aggregation

  • Adjusting Liquidation and Settlement Mechanism and Collecting Trading Fee after the Transaction to Maximize the Utilization of User Funds

  • Decentralized Straddle Options

2023 Q2

  • Liquidity Aggregation Model Release

  • Fully Optimization for Smart Contracts to Reduce Gas by 40%

  • Optimization of Rebase Funding Rate Mechanism under Liquidity Aggregation

  • Access to Dune Protocol

2023 Q3

  • Testing of Isolated pool

  • Limit Order V2

  • Re-Distribution of Protocol Revenue

  • New Router Contract for Ecological Development

2023 Q4

  • Isolated pool Model Release

  • Create markets

  • Improve Borabora User Experience

2024 Q1

  • Airdorp Plan

Still Reading?

In this rapidly changing industry, it's obviously not realistic to plan a year's worth of development tasks in advance, so this list will change frequently.If you have any ideas about what changes or features Borabora should implement in the future, you are welcome to contact us.

Last updated